Special Delivery

a Get Lost game


A physical and digital crossover puzzle game about surveillance and data protection. Secure the leaked data and complete the story.



Creative Direction



What if you could enjoy the thrill of an escape room right from the comfort of your own home? Or from anywhere for that matter. Having successfully launched city games and mobile puzzle games over the years, we decided it was time for something different. Something tangible. Something to be delivered right to your doorstep. A Special Delivery, just for you.

Inspired by our love for brain teasers and looming mystery, we developed a physical and digital crossover puzzle game that enables an immersive experience through challenging puzzles, interactive elements and an endearing backstory.

Anna Kwinten, Data Specialist at internationally acclaimed surveillance company SOTA Security, seeks your help. She suspects negligence by her colleagues in handling personal data and needs you in uncovering the truth. SOTA Security partners with governments globally, resulting in one of the biggest international databases holding sensitive information of millions of individuals. Were this data to fall into the wrong hands, the safety of these people is at risk.

Help Anna by analyzing different collections of personal data. Solve puzzles, crack codes, find the correct encryption keys to protect the data and ensure the safety of millions — and possibly even your own.

Anna will send you a parcel with all the evidence you need to help her out. What’s to be expected? To not violate the confidentiality we agreed on with Anna, we won’t be able to share too many details about the contents of this box. But trust us: you’ll be surprised by the amount and variety of items, including handwritten notes, different kinds of prints and physical objects. In order to solve the puzzles, you’ll need every item sent your way. Use the Special Delivery app to receive hints, check your solutions and progress throughout the game.

But there’s more. All of our games are set in the Get Lost universe; meaning there’s an elaborate crossover in games, websites and other online locations for you to discover. There are even extra puzzles and plot lines to discover that go beyond the specific games.


Special Delivery was also launched as a game on Kickstarter, where supporters—so-called “backers”—from all over the world were able to invest money in exchange for a regular or special version of the game. With a final amount of nearly $10,000, coming from more than 150 enthusiastic backers, we significantly surpassed our goal to make the game a reality. As a result, we were able to ship the final product internationally by the end of Q1 2023!

HIGHLY recommend this game! Loving the puzzles and would definitely back another Kickstarter from you!

Kickstarter backer Angela

One of my favorite puzzles from 2023!

Kickstarter backer Kelley

It's a pity I've already finished it and can't have this experience again... Thanks for the full evening of enjoyable puzzle solving!

Kickstarter backer Arne


Creative Direction

Sergio Mensing

Koos van de Merbel

Mark van Nieuwenhoven


Mark van Nieuwenhoven


Mark van Nieuwenhoven


Mark van Nieuwenhoven

Game Design & Production

Koos van de Merbel - Production, Graphic Design

Sergio Mensing - App Development, Website Development, Graphic Design

Mark van Nieuwenhoven - Storytelling, Puzzle Design, Video Production, Graphic Design